Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Introduction to SPSS

HERE'S A COMPILATION of what you will be watching today. These are prerequisites for our next discussions.
How to use SPSS- an introduction
Descriptive statistics and frequencies
Descriptive statistics and z scores
Correlation in SPSS
One sample T test
Paired sample T test
Independent Sample T Test
Conclusions with SPSS

Financial Management (Chinese Executive Class) Course Outline

I.             Course Description:

This course prepares the students to analyze financial statement and examine financial decision-making. Topics include understanding financial statements, funding decisions, the use of financial tools, cost analyses, and risk management tools.

II.            Bases of Evaluation:  

1.      Course requirements that are evaluated based on the rubrics.
2.      Research Output
3.      Midterm and final major examinations.
4.      The standard grading system of the University.

III.          Grading System:

     Midterm Score                =          33% Class Standing + 33% Research + 34% Midterm Exams

     Tentative Final Score      =          33% Class Standing + 33% Research + 34% Final Exams

     Final Score                        =          33% Midterm Score + 67% Tentative Final Score

Note:             Class Standing is composed of activities such as group dynamics, laboratory activities, seat works, quizzes, assignments, and participation
.           .

VI.         Course Content:

Unit 1.  Introduction to Financial Management and the Accounting Language
1.   Basic concepts of Financial Management and Accounting
2.   The Financial Management Framework ( 10 Axioms of FM)
3.   The Fundamentals of the Accounting Process
4.   The Accounting Cycle
5.   Understanding the Financial Statements
6. Costs concepts and behaviors for financial reporting and cost analysis used in decision making.

Unit 2.  Financial Information in Action
1.   Analyzing Financial Statements
a.    Background analysis
b.    Areas in Financial Analysis
b.1. Liquidity
b.2. Profitability
b.3. Asset Management
b.4. Solvency
b.5. Marketability/ value analysis
      c. Methods in Financial Analysis
           c.1. Horizontal
           c.2. Vertical
           c.3. Ratio Analysis
           c.4. Du Pont Expansions
2. Financial Planning and Proforma financial statements
     a. Operating Budgets
     b. Financial budgets
     c. Master budgets
     d. Projected Financial Statements

Unit 3. Analyzing Financial  Information for Short Term Decision Making
  1. Behavioral financial reports
  2. Cost-volume-profit analysis
  3. Variable and Absorption costing
  4. Differential Analysis and relevant costing
  5. Working Capital Management decisions
Unit 4.  Analyzing Financial  Information for Long Term Decision Making
1.    Financial Risk and Return analysis
2.    The role of Time value of money and cost of capital
3.    Investment decisions
4.    Capital budgeting
5.    Financing decisions
6.    Debt and Equity Financing Analysis

VI. References:


Titman, S., Keown, A. J., Martin, J. D. (2011) Financial management : principles and applications. (11th ed.) Boston : Prentice Hall.
Jordan, Bradford D.  Fundamentals of investments : valuation and management.  5th ed.  Boston : McGraw-Hill, c2009.
Gitman, Lawrence J.  Fundamentals of investing.  Twelfth edition. Boston : Pearson, c2014.
Rosenbaum, Joshua,(2013) 1971- author.  Investment banking : valuation, leveraged buyouts, and mergers & acquisitions.  Second edition, University edition. Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Gitman, L. J. (2011) Fundamentals of investing. (11th ed.) Singapore : Pearson.
FinEx Journals
Accounting and Finance Journals
EBSCOHost Journals

Get Equipped: Introduction to Financial Management ( for Chinese Executive Class)


This section provides links for you to follow so you can understand our subject better and be equipped better for future discussions.

Introduction to Financial Management

        Introduction to Financial Terms and Concepts

        Basic tools
        10 Axioms

Accounting is the Language of Finance

        Understanding Accounting
        The Accounting Process
                                ( English)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5izAWXPB4c

Cost concepts








Mini Case I and II

 This material is taken from Harvard Business Review PART I. The Case of CPC International. In the summer of 1986, financial analysts be...